Daniel is a licensed physician who is board-certified in the holistic & team-based field of Hospice & Palliative Medicine.
When he was a fellow, doing specialty training at San Diego Hospice, he contributed to the creation of StoryCorps Legacy, for which he is a member of the Advisory Group, and he traveled to Kyiv, Ukraine with a team of physicians to teach end-of-life care across the street from the Babi Yar Holocaust memorial.
Within the broader field of HPM, Daniel particularly loves caring for people who are actively dying -- being with them, being with their families & caregivers, and being with the other professionals on the care team.
Despite having transitioned from clinical hospice and palliative care to writing, Daniel remains dedicated to the field through storytelling & speaking. He believes that a transformation in how we relate to death & dying -- whether it be the dying of a loved one, the dying of an old habit, or the dying of an aspect of our society -- is part of a larger transformation of how we relate to each other, build community with each other and belong to each other.
“I believe revolutionary love is the call of our times…. ‘Revolutionary love’ is the choice to enter into wonder and labor for others, for our opponents, and for ourselves in order to transform the world around us…. All three practices together make love revolutionary, and revolutionary love can only be practiced in community.”
— Valarie Kaur